feldspar|feldspars in English


[feld·spar || 'feldspɑr /-spɑː]

any of a group of alumino-silicates (Mineralogy)

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1. Feldspar - Feldspar - Identification of specific feldspars: Alkali feldspars can often be distinguished from plagioclase feldspars because most grains of the latter exhibit Albite twinning (see above Crystal structure), which is manifested by parallel lines on certain cleavage surfaces, whereas grains of alkali feldspars do not

2. Used to describe an intergrowth of two feldspars: a host grain of potassium-rich alkali feldspar includes exsolved lamellae or irregular intergrowths of sodic alkali feldspar (near Albite, NaAlSi 3 O 8 , in composition)

3. Anorthite - rare plagioclastic feldspar occurring in many igneous rocks oligoclase, plagioclase - any of a series of triclinic feldspars that form rocks Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

4. Anorthite is the rarest member of the Plagioclase Feldspars of the Feldspar Group of minerals that includes Albite, Amazonite, Andesine, Anorthite, Bytownite, Hyalophane, Labradorite, Moonstone, Oligoclase, Orthoclase, Sanidine and Sunstone

5. Many ordinary rocks (feldspars) are Aluminosilicates

6. Glass alumina, alumina silicate, alumino silicate, sodium, potassium, potassium feldspar, calcium feldspar, feldspar blends

7. The feldspars in volcanic lava flows can also be problematic.

8. What does Albite mean? A colorless to white variety of feldspar that is classified both as plagioclase feldspar and alkali feldspar, contains a

9. Plagioclase, plagioclase+quartz, plagioclase+quartz+alkali-feldspar for the Dipotama granite, quartz, quartz+alkali-feldspar, quartz+alkali-feldspar+plagioclase for the Paranesti granite.

10. The Plagioclase Feldspars form a series between Albite and Anorthite.

11. Aluminosilicates with more open three-dimensional structures than the feldspars are called zeolites

12. Feldspars are a broad class of Aluminosilicates, of which microcline, K[AlSi3O8], is a …

13. Potassic feldspar forms intricate intergrowths with fluorite that result in locked feldspar-fluorite particles in the fluorspar concentrates.

14. Arkose A feldspar-rich sandstone, commonly coarse-grained and pink or reddish, that is typically composed of angular to subangular grains that may be either poorly or moderately well sorted Quartz is usually the dominant mineral, with feldspars constituting at least 25%.

15. 1 synonym for Albite: white feldspar

16. Arkose Arkose is a feldspar-rich sandstone

17. They contain large amounts of the feldspar mineral.

18. The intergrowth forms by exsolution due to cooling of a grain of alkali feldspar with a composition intermediate between K-feldspar and albite.

19. The ratio of Alkali feldspar to plagioclase feldspar, together with the proportion of quartz, is the basis for the QAPF classification of igneous rock

20. Secondary feldspar was related to the albitization process of feldspar, the albitization of plagioclase began at the early stage of diagenesis, and the albi.

21. The term "felsic" combines the words "feldspar" and "silica".

22. This sandstone consists of quartz primarily and feldspar secondly.

23. Optically perthitic intergrowths appear in thin sections cutting saw-tooth or comb-like interfaces of the mantled feldspars.

24. 30 Thermoluminescence is a property of crystalline materials, such as quartz and feldspars, which are found in pottery.

25. Industry: petroleum, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, uranium, gold.